Here you will find random MS-Paint(usually) drawings i have made in the last six years, while bored, upset, or otherwise motivated. They are in roughly chronological order, with the newest first... click on the photo to see a larger version
Friday, April 08, 2005
Long ago, i had a talk with my friend Julie B. alongside Lake Berryessa. It was about a rather important subject, and a lot of emotion was involved, so i have a photographic image in my head of the lake which looks something like this.
Location: Burlington/Pittsburgh, Vermont/Pennsylvania, United States
Hi! I am a graduate student at UVM. I am currently working on a project for the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy to reduce runoff and pollution in Panther Hollow and the Four Mile Run watershed of Pittsburgh. This summer my blog will be all about my time in Pittsburgh.
incidentally, this wasn't ms paint, it was photoshop or something
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